Obituary: Semming HOGANSON (1856-1936)

Obituary. Semming HOGANSON (1856-1936). Image courtesy of Verla Williams.

Semming Hoganson Laid to Final Rest Saturday Afternoon
Many Friends and Neighbors Were Present at Services Held From Our Savior's Church

Funeral services for Semming Hoganson, who died January 1st at the Bethel Home for the Aged in Mountain Lake, were conducted Saturday afternoon at two o'clock from Our Savior's Lutheran church in this city. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery.

Besides the children and relatives, many friends and former neighbors of the deceased were present to, pay their last respects. Rev. A. M. Mannes preached the sermon.

Mr. Hoganson was born in Rendallen, Osterdallen, Norway, November 12, 1856, where he grew to manhood. He came to America in the spring of 1880 and in the same year was united in marriage to Miss Lina Larson.

After a residence of seven years in Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Hoganson moved to a farm in Belmont township where they underwent many privations, but like other hardy pioneers refused to give up and were later rewarded for their efforts when Jackson county became settled and the crude farm homes of the early days were replaced with more modern buildings.

In spite of the hardships, they reared a fine family of children and lived happily together until death summoned Mrs. Hoganson from her helpmate four years ago.

Mr. Hoganson gave up active work on the farm in 1933, when his health began to fail, and later entered the home in Mountain Lake, where for some time he had been under a doctor’s care. For the past several weeks his condition had been very serious.

He is survived by nine children, Carl, who resides on the home place. Mrs. Albert Roe, Mrs. Joel Brown, Mrs. Raymond Leman, Mrs. A. C. Leen, Mabel and Clara, all of this county; Herman of Perley, and Mrs. Herman Nelson of Westbrook. He also leaves twelve grandchildren and seven great grandchildren.


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This HOGANSON Blog is based on genealogical research compiled by Verla A. Blakey WILLIAMS and edited with notes by Mark D. WILLIAMS.

Hoganson Family

Hoganson Family
Belmont, Jackson, MN (c. 1905)

Three Generations

Three Generations
Bunad from Nord-Osterdal, Hedmark.