Obituaries: Lina (Larson) HOGANSON (1857-1931)

Obituaries. Lina (Larson) HOGANSON (d. 20 Nov 1931). Images courtesy of Verla Williams.

Mrs. S. Hoganson Pioneer Resident Of County Called
Resident of Jackson County for Half Century Is Called After a Long Illness

Mrs. Sam Hoganson, one of the pioneer settlers in this county passed away at her home north of town on Friday November 20. Death followed an extended illness diagnosed as diabetes which slowly but surely sapped her strength. She was 74 years and 14 days of age.

A splendid Christian mother was Mrs. Hoganson, and her life on this earth was full of devotion and service to her family and many friends. For many years she was a member of Our Saviour's Lutheran Church and was a faithful and active member as long as her strength permitted. The church and the entire community will feel the loss of this beloved mother.

Lina Larson Hoganson was born in Ytre Rendalen, Osterdalen, Norway. She was baptized and confirmed in the Lutheran faith in the church at her home city.

In 1880 she came to America and was united in marriage the same year to Mr. Sam Hoganson. They immediately settled on a farm in Jackson county and have since resided here.

Eleven children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Hoganson: Mrs. Albert Roe of Jackson, Herman of Perely, Carl at home, Mrs. Herman Nelson of Dempster, S. D., Oscar, who passed away in 1907, Mrs. Joel Brown of Jackson, Mrs. Asley Leen of Windom, Clara, Mabel and Elsie at home. One child, Elsie, passed away in infancy.

Besides her husband and children, the deceased is survived by 12 grandchildren, 3 great grandchildren, two sisters, Mrs. John Samuelson of San Francisco, California and Mrs. Carl Vardener of Norway, and one brother, Martin Larson of Norway.

Funeral services were conducted on Tuesday afternoon at the home and at Our Saviour’s Lutheran church, the Rev. A. M. Mannes officiating. Interment was made in the Riverside 

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Death Summons Pioneer Mother at Belmont Home
Mrs. Sam Hoganson, Passes Away Friday Noon After Illness Covering Several Months
Was Lady Beloved by Large Circle of Friends and Prominent in Matters of the Church

Death, after a lingering illness has again entered one of our Jackson county homes and summoned one of the pioneer and much beloved mothers of this community in the passing of Mrs. Sam Hogenson, at the family residence in Belmont township, last Friday at noon.

Mrs. Hogenson was one of the pioneers of Jackson county, who was obliged to pass through the hardships of early day construction, yet in those trying days she never faltered in her duty. While home was her first thought, she also found time to assist in every way possible the up building of the church and was especially interested in the work of the ladies aide society. Not only were her activities confined to the home, but she also found time to assist in any worthy undertaking suggested in the community in which she was for so many years a part.

Doing the work of her Master, helping others to a little more sunshine and supervising her home, which attested by the excellent family of boys and girls that are left to honor her memory, are all evidences of the truly christian life lived by the deceased, a truly great heritage to be left to her family and friends.

Lina Larson was born in Yettre Rendalem Osterdalem, Norway, November 8, 1857, where she grew [to] womanhood. She was baptized [and in] 1880 she arrived in the United States and shortly after her arrival she was united in marriage to Mr. Sam Hoganson, settling in Jackson county where they have made their home ever since. To their union eleven children were born, Mrs. Albert Roe of Jackson; Herman of Pearley; Carl at home; Mrs. Herman Nelson of Dempster, South Dakota; Oscar, who passed away in 1907; Mrs. Joel Brown of Jackson; Mrs. Asley Leen of Windom; Elise, who passed away in infancy, Elise, Mabel and Clara at home.

Besides her helpmate of so many years, Mrs. Hoganson leaves to mourn her death, nine living children; two sisters, Mrs. John Samuelson of San Francisco, California; and Mrs. Carl Vardener, and a brother Martin Larson, both living in Norway, besides twelve grandchildren and three great grandchildren, and many admiring friends.

At the funeral services held Tuesday afternoon, all of the children of Mr. and Mrs. Hoganson were present to pay their last tribute of love to a mother who was held in high respect by many acquaintances.

Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 1:15 from the home and at 2 o'clock from Our Saviour's Lutheran church, being in charge of the pastor, Rev. A. M. Mannes. Many were present and the floral tributes were very beautiful. Burial was made in Riverside cemetery.


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This HOGANSON Blog is based on genealogical research compiled by Verla A. Blakey WILLIAMS and edited with notes by Mark D. WILLIAMS.

Hoganson Family

Hoganson Family
Belmont, Jackson, MN (c. 1905)

Three Generations

Three Generations
Bunad from Nord-Osterdal, Hedmark.